Auto-enrolment thresholds unchanged

Auto-enrolment thresholds unchanged

Auto-enrolment thresholds unchanged

There will be no change to the thresholds in the threshold for pension auto-enrolment, the Department for Work and Pensions has confirmed.
For 2022/23:
• the automatic enrolment (AE) earnings trigger will remain at £10,000;
• the lower limit of the qualifying earnings band (QEB) will remain at £6,240; and
• the upper limit of the QEB will remain at £50,270.
The AE QEB lower limit will diverge in 2022/23 from the NIC lower earnings limit (which will increase to £6,396). However, the NIC upper earnings limit (UEL) will be frozen at £50,270 in 2022/23, so the AE upper limit of the QEB and NIC UEL will continue to align.
Under automatic enrolment, employers must enrol all workers into a workplace pension if they satisfy the age and earnings criteria.