Befree/IAB Survey

Are you an employed or self-employed IAB member?*

Are you an employed or self-employed IAB member?*

If self-employed what Turnover Band does your practice fall into?*

If self-employed what Turnover Band does your practice fall into?*

What services do you provide for your clients? (Select all that apply)*

What services do you provide for your clients? (Select all that apply)*

Befree is the IAB’s preferred outsourcing partner. Have you ever used any befree outsourcing services?*

Befree is the IAB’s preferred outsourcing partner. Have you ever used any befree outsourcing services?*

If you have not used befree, what are the main reasons? (Select all that apply)*

If you have not used befree, what are the main reasons? (Select all that apply)*

Other (please specify)

Other (please specify)

Do you have any reservations about using an outsourcing service?*

Do you have any reservations about using an outsourcing service?*

Other (please specify)

Other (please specify)

What topics would be of interest to you in relation to outsourcing? (Select all that apply)*

What topics would be of interest to you in relation to outsourcing? (Select all that apply)*

Other (please specify)

Other (please specify)

If you would like to understand more about befree and the services offered, how would you like to receive this information?*

If you would like to understand more about befree and the services offered, how would you like to receive this information?*

Other (please specify)

Other (please specify)