Croner-i: Taxing the elephant in the room
Background to online retail
Online retail is, relatively…

What to do if you’re new to completing Self Assessment tax returns
You’ve just started your new business as a self-employed professional…

Time is fast running out to file your Self Assessment!
Article by Coconut
Just how quickly has this year flown by,…

FAQs: Completing a Self Assessment tax return for previous tax years
Article by Coconut
Answers to frequently asked questions…

HMRC News Updates
Student Loans Interest Rates and Repayment Threshold Announcement

The new lump sum allowance and lump sum and death benefit allowance
The standard lump sum and death benefit allowance is £1,073,100.…

Council Tax information letter 4/2024: Pension-age Council Tax Reduction applicants and Universal Credit
The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government has…

VAT on private school fees: An update
HM Treasury has published draft legislation on the removal of…

CIPP - HMRC Charter Annual Report 2023-24
Each year HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) releases a report detailing…

The new lump sum allowance and lump sum and death benefit allowance
Contributed by Zigurds G Kronbergs FCA FCCA, Senior Technical…

Self Assessment: The Evolution
For many self-employed workers Self Assessment has always been…

AccountigWEB Review of AML from the Supervisor’s Perspective
Supervisory bodies keen to support AML compliance