Top tips for exam success
Top tips for exam success
Exam and career coach James Perry is well worth following on LinkedIn. He recently posted his top tips for exam success, and here’s a selection of them:
• The early bird catches the worm. Getting up early means you are fresher so learn more, make the most of the day and, if you feel you’ve done enough, you can take the evening off.
• Snack on ‘brain food’. Keep your body and brain well-fuelled by choosing nutritious foods that have been proven to aid concentration and memory, such as fish, nuts, seeds, yogurt and blueberries.
• While studying speak out loud instead of simply reading. You will be surprised how much more you can remember when you’ve said it out loud.
• Teach what you have learned. The best way to test if you really understand something is to try to teach it to someone else.
• Draw diagrams. This creates a visual memory in your mind which can be recalled in an exam.
• Drink plenty of water. Remember that being well hydrated is essential for your brain to work at its best.
• Create flashcards. Quickly test your knowledge of key concepts, definitions, quotes and formulas with flashcards.
• On exam day, have a balanced breakfast and eat nothing risky (probably not the best day to have a super-hot curry).
• If there are people around who are panicking, avoid them. They are not doing you any favours!
• Go to the toilet before the exam starts. Exams can be long and there is no time to waste.
• Don’t be afraid to ask the examiner/ invigilator if you are not clear on anything.
• Stay positive. It’s amazing how a positive attitude can impact on your exam results!
You can follow James at