Tag Archive for: the

Navigating the initial inspection: key highlights from first-time practices

Navigating the Initial Inspection: Key Highlights from First-Time Practices

Navigating the Initial Inspection: Key Highlights from First-Time…
How to avoid the usual 31 january self assessment deadline panic

How to avoid the usual 31 January Self Assessment deadline panic

By Coconut OK, so yet again you’ve left sorting out your…
What’s the difference between simple assessment and self assessment?

What’s the difference between Simple Assessment and Self Assessment?

Article by Coconut Simple Assessment was introduced in September…
Croner-i: taxing the elephant in the room

Croner-i: Taxing the elephant in the room

Background to online retail  Online retail is, relatively…
The new lump sum allowance and lump sum and death benefit allowance

The new lump sum allowance and lump sum and death benefit allowance

The standard lump sum and death benefit allowance is £1,073,100.…
The new lump sum allowance and lump sum and death benefit allowance

The new lump sum allowance and lump sum and death benefit allowance

Contributed by Zigurds G Kronbergs FCA FCCA, Senior Technical…
Self assessment: the evolution

Self Assessment: The Evolution

For many self-employed workers Self Assessment has always been…
Accountigweb review of aml from the supervisor’s perspective

AccountigWEB Review of AML from the Supervisor’s Perspective

Supervisory bodies keen to support AML compliance by  Molly…
Cipp - new employment rights bill details from the king's speech

CIPP - New Employment Rights Bill details from the King's Speech

Last week, we heard from His Majesty King Charles III as he delivered…
Understanding the new five-step revenue recognition model for frs 102 and frs 105

Understanding the new five-step revenue recognition model for FRS 102 and FRS 105

29 May 2024 Steve Collings FCCA examines the practical implications…
Basis period reform: application of the 2023–24 transition year rules | reform

Basis period reform: Application of the 2023–24 transition year rules

Contributed by Laura Burrows CTA, Senior Technical Writer, Croner-i…
Navigating the jungle of aml risk: managing high-risk lions and low-risk frogs

Navigating the Jungle of AML Risk: Managing High-Risk Lions and Low-Risk Frogs

In the constantly shifting terrain of Anti-Money Laundering (AML)…